We are lost in busy; to-do lists, obligations, ticking boxes and chasing the next big thing... find yourself lost in simplicity for a moment. Get lost in thought, in laughter, in the view, in the moment. Lost Retreats are designed and built for the free-spirited wanderer, the adventurer, the dreamer and those ready to connect with nature’s untamed beauty.

Sometimes you need to get LOST to find yourself. Architecturally designed to provide you a memorable and magical short term stay, Lost's contextually sensitive boutique Retreats create a seamless space for you to reconnect, dream, explore and wander. Located in Mount Jagged is this breathtaking Lake side retreat. This Retreat has everything you need to unwind and immerse yourself in nature’s beauty.
Much more than just an accommodation provider, Lost's off-grid Retreats complement the environment, using solar energy to create a sustainable, minimalistic way of living. They also choose local products and recycled materials wherever practical and use local artists to furnish their Retreats with local handmade soaps, ceramics, glassware and artwork.

Lost Retreats provide a sanctuary to escape the 9 to 5, a place to put the phone down and immerse yourself in nature and each other.